The Department of Anthropology was established in 1962 and since then it has been a sought after destination for students desiring to study ‘man and his past’. The department is known mainly for its outstanding results and bears the distinction of producing toppers in Major under Gauhati University for twenty seven times. This department has been recognized as a star department of the college by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India in the year 2018. The department has a rich collection of anthropological tools and socio-cultural items of various tribal and non-tribal communities of North East India all displayed in the historical and cultural museum of the department. The department also has a rich collection of relevant books in the departmental library for the benefit of the students. Faculty members of the department carry out regular research work and the students are exposed to many such academic pursuits. The alumni are well placed in many academic and non-academic organisations. Prof. Ram Charan Das was the founder Head of the Department.
Year of Establishment | 1962 |
Founder Head | Prof. Ram Charan Das |
Head of the Department | Dr. Anamika Gogoi Duarah |
Honours intake Capacity | 45 (Sc-25, Arts-20) |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |
The Department of Botany was established in 1962 with Dr. Pankaj Dutta as the founder Head. The department has a well equipped academic infrastructure with all the necessary instruments and samples. The Department of Botany has been successful in producing excellent results. Students of this department are seen to pursue their higher studies in institutions like Delhi University, Jawarharlal Nehru University, Jamia Millia lslamia University, Tezpur University, NEHU etc. The department maintains a strong academic linkage with Gauhati University and IIT Guwahati. Faculty members are involved in many research works and the major thrust areas are Ecology and Environment, Physiology and Biochemistry, Microbial Genetics and Plant Taxonomy. The department has organized two National Seminars on Sustainable Conservation Strategies for Bio-Resources of North East India sponsored by DST, Govt. of India and Wetland Eco-system: Conservation and Management with reference to North East India in collaboration with Botanical Society of Assam. The departmental library has a rich collection of resourceful books apart from the central library. Dr. B. N. Bhattacharyya, a former Faculty of the department was a recipient of prestigious Assam Sahitya Sabha Award and Katha Award. This department has been recognized as a star department of the college by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India in the year 2018.
Year of Establishment | 1962 |
Founder Head | Dr. Pankaj Dutta |
Head of the Department | Dr. Deepika Devi |
Honours intake Capacity | 45 |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |
The Department of Chemistry was established in 1962 with Dr. Prabin Sarma as the founder Head. Since then the department has been in pursuit of academic excellence. A number of alumni of this department have made it to the prestigious institutions of higher education like IISC Bangalore, NCL, Pune, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Kanpur, NEIST Jorhat, IASST, Tezpur University etc. The department has a strong academic infrastructure. The department is running post-graduate (M.Sc.) course in Chemistry successfully from the academic session 2015-16. Faculty members are actively involved in research activities . A number of major and minor projects have already been completed and there are a few more ongoing projects in the department. Eight research scholars are pursuing their Ph.D works in the department and many have completed their Ph.D. already under the guidance of faculty members of the department. This department has been recognized as a star department of the college by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India in the year 2018.
Year of Establishment | 1962 |
Founder Head | Dr. Prabin Sarma |
Head of the Department | Dr. Pankaj Kalita |
Honours intake Capacity | 50 |
M.Sc. intake Capacity | 20 |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |
The Department of Geography was established in 1962 with Prof. H.K. Choudhury as the founder Head. Dr. D Das, Sri A. Goswami, Late B. Choudhury, Dr P. Deka, Dr L Datta, Dr. S Sarma, Dr M.J Nath, Late B. Goswami, Dr J. Bora, Late S. Medhi and Dr S.Sarkar Datta are few notable former faculty members who have contributed for the department. Dr D Das is the first women Ph D holder in geography in the North East India. The department has so far produced a number of successful geographers who are serving in different sectors and have done significant contribution not only in North East India but in different parts of India. Many former and present faculty members have completed a number of research projects funded by UGC, ASTEC and SSA etc. A number of research scholars have pursued PhD research work from this department. The department maintains linkage with National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization, Kolkata. There is a rich collection of antiques like survey of India – Topographical Maps, Satellite Imageries, Stereoscope, Digital and manual Survey Instrument as well as practical instrument, GIS laboratory with its Software and departmental library. The department was adjudged as one of the two best departments of all by NAAC peer team in the year 2004. An International Webinar was organized in the department under the in August 2020. Lots of Research papers have been published by the faculty members in many International and National level Journals.
Year of Establishment | 1962 |
Founder Head | Prof. H. K. Choudhury |
Head of the Department | Dr. Dipalee Neog |
Honours intake Capacity | 60 (Sc:25; Arts:35) |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |
Established in the year 1962, the Department of Geology of Arya Vidyapeeth College is one of the oldest departments in the whole of North East India to start Degree Courses in Geology.Today, the department receives a large number of students from almost all states of the North East India. Be it IITs, Indian School of Mines, Jadavpur University, Calcutta University, Delhi University or BHU to name a few, there are few respectable institutions of higher learning at the post graduate level in the country or organizations like the ONGCL, OIL, GSI, CGWB, Coal India, DGM or GIS sector where an alumnus of this department won’t be found. The department offers both Major and General Courses at degree level. The department carries out PhD researches under the Gauhati University as well as research projects.Teachers of the department have produced many research papers in national and international research journals and have written many books. The department is known for its successful results and it has produced many toppers. Infrastructure wise, the department has all the necessary instrumental facilities including gemological instruments. The departmental library has a rich collection of over 1250 hard and e-books apart from the collections of central library. The department has organized a national level workshop sponsored by all the prestigious national science academies. Students from the department have received the prestigious INSA (Indian National Science Academy) fellowships. Prof. Nabin Chandra Das was the founder Head of the Department.
Year of Establishment | 1962 |
Founder Head | Prof. Nabin Chandra Das |
Head of the Department | Dr. Swapnali Dutta |
Honours intake Capacity | 45 |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |
The Department has a well stocked departmental library named after Prof. Debananda Saikia, an eminent mathematician and a former Head of the department. There is also a well equipped computer laboratory in the department for students. The department was awarded with “CMAI National Assam Education summit and Awards 2014” for excellence in teaching Mathematics. In 2019, “Debananda Saikia Memorial Committee” has been formed in the memory of late Professor Debananda Saikia.Under this committee, “Debananda Saikia Memorial Lecture” will be held annually and felicitation of toppers of B.A./B.Sc. (Major in Mathematics) and M.A./M.Sc. in Mathematics of the department will be done annually. This department has been recognized as a star department of the college by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India in the year 2018. Dr. Ranjan Das is the present Head of the Department.
Year of Establishment | 1962 |
Founder Head | Dr. Tarakeswar Choudhury |
Head of the Department | Dr. Biren Das |
Honours intake Capacity | 60 |
M.Sc. intake Capacity | 50 |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |
The Department of Physics was established in 1962 with Prof. Biswanath Bhattacharjee as the founder Head. Since its inception, the department has been contributing towards Physics education in the region. The department is well equipped with necessary academic infrastructure. Apart from the central library, the department maintains a well stocked self-sustainable library. The department also has a computer lab and a digital room for the students. On an average, the success rates have been more than 80% and results have been good. The faculty members are involved in researches in their fields of interests which ranges from High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Nano Science and Nano Technology, Astrophysics etc. Many research papers of international standards have been published by the faculty members. Several research projects have been completed by the faculty members of the department. Dr. P.K. Dhar, former faculty of the department has been invited as visiting scientist to different reputed scientific institutions like SINP, PRL, HRI and IISER-K. Renowned litterateur Dr. Sivanath Barman was a faculty member of this department. Four faculty members of the department have served as Principals at different colleges of Guwahati. This department has been recognized as a star department of the college by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India in the year 2018.
Year of Establishment | 1962 |
Founder Head | Prof. Biswanath Bhattacharjee |
Head of the Department | Dr. Apurba Kumar Das |
Honours intake Capacity | 55 |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |
The Department of Statistics was established in 1966 with Dr. SaIil Kr. Dutta as the founder Head. The department has a glorious history with regard to results and has produced many successful alumni. In fact, the department has produced many academicians of international and national repute. The department has organised a number of national seminars and workshops for teachers, research scholars and students all sponsored by prestigious institutions like the DST, UGC and ISI. Faculty members are involved in active researches and have produced many research papers and books. Many scholars are pursuing Ph.D. works in the department and some have already obtained the degree. The department maintains a strong linkage with the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata and Dibrugarh University apart from the parent University. The department has a library besides a book bank with a good number of books and resources. Regular field works are also conducted for the students.
Year of Establishment | 1966 |
Founder Head | Dr. Salil Kr. Dutta |
Head of the Department | Dr. Manab Deka |
Honours intake Capacity | 40 |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |
Established in 1962 with Prof. H.N. Surya Narayan as the founder Head, the Department of Zoology is one of the highly rated departments of the college primarily due to successful results and internationally acclaimed research outputs. Led by Dr. Saibal Sengupta (Retired), the department has contributed a lot to the field of Herpetology. A number of projects funded by UGC, DST, ASTEC, ATREE etc. have been successfully carried out by the department. Academic infrastructure of the department with regard to instruments and samples is very good. The department maintains a strong academic linkage with the Gauhati University, UGC, IASST, ASTEC etc. The department has organised national seminar as well as DST SERC programmes. Faculty members have produced over 100 research papers apart from books. The department has extended expertise to the students of USTM, DBU and other colleges of Guwahati like S. B. Deora etc. This department has been recognized as a star department of the college by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India in the year 2018.
Herpetology Research Laboratory
The herpetological research laboratory of Arya Vidyapeeth College under the department of Zoology, is recognized as a premier laboratory in the country for carrying out research on different aspects of amphibians and reptiles. Researches conducted in the laboratory has so far led to the publication of more than 70 research papers in national and international journals of excellence. Nine scholars, who have carried out their research works in this laboratory, have already been awarded Ph.D. degree by Gauhati University and Assam University. Seven species, new to the animal world, have been described as per ICZN from this laboratory. There are several completed and ongoing major research projects sponsored by ASTEC, DST, MoEF, ATREE etc. to the credit of the Herpetological research laboratory. The laboratory has conducted DST sponsored School of Herpetology in the year 2009. Led by the Principal investigator Dr. Saibal Sengupta, research workers of this laboratory have conducted collaborative research works with University of Malaysia, Villanova University(USA), Museum fur Naturkunde (Germany), Kyoto University (Japan), Indian Institute of Science, Wildlife Institute of India, Delhi University, North Orissa University, Assam University and Gauhati University.
Year of Establishment | 1962 |
Founder Head | Prof. H. N. Surya Narayan |
Head of the Department | Dr. Jayanta Gogoi |
Honours intake Capacity | 45 |
Faculty Members | View Faculty |