Arya Vidyapeeth College library was started in 1958 – in the year of establishment of the college. In the beginning it had very few books. Gradually, number of collection as well as services have been improved. Now, it has a collection of over 55,000 (Fifty Five Thousand) copies of text and reference books covering a wide range of subjects. Besides useful journals, magazines and newspapers are subscribed regularly. The institution is in the process of acquiring new online research journals to suffice the academic needs of the teachers and students. In the reading room, attached to the library, text books, reference books, journals, magazines and newspapers can be consulted. Besides, every department is having a Departmental Library where useful reference books are available for consultation. To increase reading habits among the users the library committee has introduced the “Best Library User” award which are distributed on the occasion of Librarians Day. Students can surf computer to check the availability of books they need personally. The college library is fully computerised with the help of ‘KOHA open-source software’. Moreover, internet facilities have been installed for research and advanced studies work. The college also have an institutional repository. A digital xerox facility is also available for the students. The College has access to many journals online and is also connected to N-LIST library facilities supported by Govt. of India. The library also takes feedback regarding library services from its users regularly.
Arya Book Fair
Library Reference Section
Library Reading Room
Library Book Shelves
Library Book Shelves
1st Arya Book Fair 2020

What are E-Books ?
e-Books (also referred to variously as Electronic Books, EBooks, Digital Books, Online Books) are electronic versions of printed books that can be viewed online via any PC connected to the Internet. Many e-Books are also originally published and made available only in the electronic format. Most e-Books are available in PDF and are readable with Adobe Reader, while some can be read on Notepad/Wordpad and, still, some e-Books may require specific software to be downloaded and installed on the user’s PC in order to read them.
Users are informed that the e-Books offered on the websites listed below are generally available for free online access and download. Some categories of e-Books may be available only against online advance payment or only to those who register themselves as members of specific services.
Click On The Links:
- AHSEC E-Books
- Digital BookIndex
- E-BookMall
- E-Books@Adelaide
- E-Books Cube
- Free E-Books
- Online Books
- Planet PDF
- Project Gutenberg
N.B.: The Arya Vidyapeeth College Library, while providing the above links, does not necessarily endorse all the services and products offered on the websites and must not be held responsible for any incidental loss or damage or nuisance arising out of the use of the services offered, or viewing of sponsored advertisements posted, on the websites. Users are, therefore, advised to exercise caution while submitting their personal information, contact numbers, email addresses, etc., to avail the services on offer.

This section represents the hub of library activities where lending out of books to readers is facilitated. Of all the library activities, the circulation of books for home use is a major public service provided by the library. Nearly all the members of the library visit this section for getting books on loan for home use at one or the other time.
The Reference section of the Library houses the Library’s reference books, which are those materials that are meant to aid research by providing quick and accessible information on any particular topic. These materials are usually used to find facts or provide broad overviews of topics. They should not be used as major sources for papers or other projects. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, and Thesis, Dissertation, and Project Report are some of the most common reference materials found in the Library’s Reference Collection.
Periodical have contributed a great deal to reference work by furnishing articles that appear more recent then book on a subject, particularly in the even changing field of politics, economic, science and technology. They contain articles and papers an subject about which the library may have no books and particularly as matters of local as temporary interest, an subject an which no books how yet been written. They form primary sources of information. Central Library collects subject periodicals, newspaper, and magazine. It handles any current periodicals.
The General Section of the Library those books are available which are related of your departmental and U. G.C. book Bank, Paper back of Journal and Magazine, general book.
For the students under BPL, separate Book Bank Section is available.
Binding Section is a section where a turn and damaged or out of shape books are properly bound Newspaper and periodicals and usually bound in the section. Some new books mostly which have delicate cover are bound in this section. The collections are bound when necessary for preservation purpose and to keep them in a usable state for readers.
The computer unit in the Central Library, Arya Vidyapeeth College provided support maintenance and consultation for both staff and students with in the College. Students can be have access to a verity of Package from software and internet browsing facilities such as internet facilities, E-mail as well as free user Printing for course book materials and research.

Every student is expected to avail library facilities for their academic and personality development. They should observe the following rules :
- A student is to deposit Rs. 50 only as security (refundable at the end of the course) for borrowing books from the library. No such deposit is necessary for reading library books etc. in the Library Reading Room.
- Students shall not make any noise or talk to each other while in the Reading Room.
- Students should carefully examine the book issued to them before leaving the Library Counter. If any damage or mutilation in the book issued to him / her is noticed, it should be reported to the Librarian before taking delivery of the same. The borrower will be responsible for loss or damage of any book borrowed from the College Library.
- Borrowed books must be returned within 15 days of the date of issue. A fine of Rs. 2.00 per book per day will be levied if a book is kept beyond the due date of return.
- Books taken from library in ‘day-issue’ provision must not be taken home and should be returned to the library before leaving the college for home.
- All books etc. borrowed from the library shall have to be returned to the library 7 days before the commencement of the summer vacation.
- If any Library Card (Home issue card or Day issue card) is lost by any student, it should be reported to the Librarian immediately.
- The Authority reserves the right of framing any additional rule as may be necessary from time to time.
Library Opening Time:
- Monday to Saturday – 9.00 AM
Library Closing Time:
- Monday to Saturday – 5 PM
Circulation Time Table:
Book issue and return Days:
- Mon Day to Friday 9 am to 5 pm
- Saturday issue and return closed
- Student can Borrow 2 books for the period of 10 days
- Teaching Staff can Borrow 5 books for the period of 30 days
- Non Teaching Staff can Borrow 3 books for the period of 15 days
Over Due Fine:
Rs. 2.00 for per book per day will be charged, if book is not returned after the due date.
- First of all, kindly confirm whether the material you need is available in the A.V.C. Library through the library OPAC and we can access from College website. You may then approach the library bearer on duty in the stack area to help you in locating the required material. If you are still not successful in locating the item, please feel free to approach the Asst. Librarian for further assistance.
- Most of the electronic resource available in the A.V.C. Library and user can access within the library resource center and outside the campus also.
- If you lost the library card then you must immediately contact the Asst. Librarian and report the loss of borrower’s card and provide relevant information. Duplicate borrower’s card will be issued on payment of a nominal fee.
- If you lost the library book, you must immediately contact the Asst. Librarian and report the loss book. You will be required to replace the lost book with a new copy.
- On-Line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
- OPAC via Mobile cum Web OPAC
- Internet & E-mail
- Offline CD-ROM Databases
- E-Resources (NLIST): College has already registered itself with the N List Programme through which it can access over 6000+ E-journals and 135000+ E-books.
- E-Resource Browsing Centre.
- Inter-Library loan
- Reprographic FacilitiesComputers
- Monthly Book Display
- Display of Current Book List
- Career Literature
- Departmental Library Facility
- Suggestion Box
- User Orientation
- Library user guide book
- Information Display Notice Board
- News Board
- Printing/Binding/ Lamination/Scanning service
- Content list service
- Online Purchase Suggestion form
- Online Book Renewable Services
- Online Circulation Fines Checking Services
- Online Own account maintaining Service
- Online Book holding Service
- Patron Circulation Status Service Via E-mail & SMS
- Reading Room Facilities
- Drinking Water Facilities
- Online Feedback & Suggestion
- Certificate Course in Library and Information Science (LIS)
- 7 days International Workshop
- Learning Management System
- RFID For Library Automation
- Content Management System